Monthly planning meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month, from 06:30 to 08:30. (There is no regular troop meeting on the first Tuesday of each month.) Attendance is required for adult leaders (DCLT), youth leaders (officers council & JPL's), and those designated to attend - at the discretion of troop leaders. PLANNING MEETING AGENDA 06:30-07:00: General Assembly - Opening & Introductions - Scheduled Special Guests - Program Reports - Calendar Review - Treasurer's Report - Other 07:00 - 08:30: Individual Program Planning Sessions Woodlands (K-5th): Directed by the Senior Ranger Adventurer (9th-12th) & Navigator (6th-8th): Patrols' Weekly Meeting Plan/s: Officers' Committee, Junior Patrol Leaders, Trailmen and Trail Guide(s) - Review and plan meetings, campouts and activities for approval.
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